cells produce and release (neuro)
hormones, neuropeptides or monoamines in the extracellular milieu using a
regulated pathway in response to a specific stimulus. The NE system includes
specific organs, where cells are organized into secreting tissues (adrenals or
pituitary for instance) and a diffuse system, where endocrine cells are
scattered in an apparently disorganized pattern among non-secretory cells. The
observation of dispersed NE cells throughout the body derives from the
works of Heidenhain, Kulchitsky, Masson and Hamperl in the late 19th
century and the early 20th century. Their studies demonstrated, from the
ability of cells to be stained by silver salts (argent affinity or
argyrophily), the existence of dispersed hormone-secreting cells in
non-endocrine tissues.
Using histological techniques,Feyrter
and Froelich identified the existence of many clear cells (Hellen Zellen)
throughout the body and noticeably in the gut, leading to the concept of DNES.
Miscellaneous sites were also identified in the prostate, where they are
dispersed in the normal epithelium, representing only about 0.5 to 2 % of the
total cell population. Anton Pearse then defined NE cells as cells sharing the
common ability to uptake and decarboxylate amine precursors, to convert these
precursors into biogenic amines and neurotransmitters. From this property,
Pearse coined the term, APUD system (Amine Precursor Uptake and
Decarboxylation). NE cells were all initially thought to originate only from
neuroectoderm (neural crest) and were thus also termed para neurons. However,
subsequent studies showed that some of them did not derive from the neural
crest. These include pancreatic endocrine cells or gastrointestinal
enterochromaffin cells, which originate from endodermal tissue.
NE cells are usually
characterized by various functional, morphological and molecular features (for
a review see. A NE cell is characterized in electron microscopy by the presence
of electrodense secretory granules containing peptidergic and aminergic neurohormones.
NE cells possess the capability to rapidly release their neurohormones or
neurotransmitters in response to specific stimuli, such as other hormones. In
this context, the acquisition of cell excitability, characterized by
potentials and voltage-dependent ion channels, is an important step towards
the acquisition of a regulated secretory pathway. Morphologically, the
acquisition of a NE phenotype is usually accompanied by the lengthening of
neuritic extensions. NE cells therefore share many features with neurons, but
do not have specialized nerve terminals or axons. From a molecular point of
view, NE cells express specific proteins that may also be expressed by neurons
or even by non-neuronal cells. Among these NE markers are the members of the
granin family, chromogranin A and B (CgA and CgB), secre-togranin II, III and
These acidic soluble proteins
are stored with neuropeptides and neurotransmitters in dense-core vesicles.
Other markers of NE differentiation are the enzymes Prohormone Convertases
PC1/3 and PC2, which process various protein precursors, including granins,
into functional hormones. Like granins and neuropeptides, Prohormone
Convertases are stored in dense-core vesicles where they exert their
proteolytic activity. These enzymes have therefore been considered as good
markers of the NE phenotype or differentiation. These common markers, along
with others (neuron-specific enolase (NSE), synaptophysin, S100), are used in
pathology to identify NE tumours.