Friday, 6 January 2017

Alzheimers Disease of the Immune System: A New Variant of Immune Deficiency

The interaction between infectious pathogens and the immune system has been a focus of research for many years. However, the failure of re-recognition or immune memory of infectious pathogen remains a clear mystery A memory B cell defect coupled with low levels of C1-INH and/or C1-INH function-failure of both the innate and adaptive immune components-may lead to persistent unresolved infection.

Alzheimers Disease
Here we present 3 case studies that explore the abnormal immune response that may lead to persistent infection. These cases offer possible clarification of a longstanding clinical observation that some patients may develop a post infectious syndrome that includes various neurological symptoms and unusual fatigue.

These patients may have positive serology seen only during acute infectious phase and have a documented positive PCR, suggesting active presence of the pathogen. The unusual presentation is prolonged and irreversible.

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